What are the uses and benefits of a foam roller?

★ Posted on 02-25,2025

Among the training equipment, the foam roller is one of the very good equipment, and the foam roller has many functions and benefits. However, the foam roller is also particular about it, but many people do not know what the foam roller is used for. Of course there are still some people who understand. So, what is the use of a foam roller? What are the benefits? Let’s find out together below.

foam roller

1. Relax your muscles

Due to modern people's living habits, they often need to maintain one body posture for a long time, which can cause our body muscles to be too tense. When muscles are tense, we appear depressed to others. Foam rollers can relax tense muscles, restore normal muscle elasticity, and improve overall temperament.

2. Improve body posture

95% of modern people have posture problems, most of which are caused by muscle tension and weakness. At this time, we use the foam roller to relax the tense muscles and return the body to its normal state.

3. Reduce joint pressure

Give me an example. When the front of our thighs is too tight, the knee joint will hyperextend. It's fine when sitting, but once we stand, walk, or run or jump, the pressure on the knee joints will increase. If we relax the tense thighs, the pressure on the joints will naturally be relieved.

4. Core training

Because the foam roller is cylindrical, the body will be in an unstable state when rolling the foam roller. In this case, it can effectively train the core and help us lose fat.

5. Activate muscles

We always cannot find the feeling of exerting force in the target muscles during training. This is most likely due to muscle tension and weakness. Kneading the target muscles with a foam roller before training can effectively activate the target muscles.

6. Improve metabolism

Every muscle in the human body is a complex "organ" because muscles are composed of muscle fibers, connective tissue, blood vessels, lymph and nerves. When we foam roll, we not only relax the muscles, but also promote blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture points are also massaged to dredge the meridians.

7. Enhance neuromuscular effectiveness

Because there is a nervous system in the muscles, when the muscles are too tense, the signal transmission of the nervous system will slow down. Many people can’t find muscle hair during trainingStrength is actually caused by muscle tension. Using a foam roller to relax before training can effectively improve the body's ability to control muscles.

8. Improve flexibility

Friends who understand anatomy know that the human body is divided into many fascial chains, such as the anterior chain, posterior chain, lateral chain, etc. of the body. When we use a foam roller to relax a certain part, its entire fascia chain will be relaxed, which can not only improve body flexibility but also increase joint mobility. When flexibility and joint mobility increase, muscles can function better during training.

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