Personal Training Vs. Crossfit Training

★ Posted on 02-06,2025

Have you asked yourself what are the main differences from personal training vs. crossfit training and why it's becoming very popular lately? Well just like any new fitness workout or fad diet crossfire is the new kid on the block that has people wondering what it really is all about. The best way to decipher the differences from personal training vs. crossfire training is to weigh the pros and cons of both. It should be noted when looking for a gym that offers personal training or crossfit training you need to do your homework and find qualified, preferably university educated, trainers that understand not everyone is built for certain exercises or training formats. Also, you need to ask yourself what are your true goals and what are you really looking for. Now we will explore the pros and cons of both personal training vs. crossfire training.

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Personal Training


- very individualized and focused on the clients specific needs

- you are pushed to failure but not sacrificing technique

- exercises are adapted if you have injuries or are rehabilitating from a surgery etc.

- functional exercises

- it works around your schedule availability

- any fitness level can participate


- cost per month is more than a monthly gym pass

- depending if your trainer floats from gym to gym or has their own location, scheduling and availability can be difficult

Crossfit Training


- the cost per month is significantly less

- typically done in groups which keeps cost down and some clients prefer groups to keep them motivated

- you are pushed beyond your own perceived limits

- functional exercises


- typically trainers aren't university educated, a weekend crossfit course is what most have, and don't know how to adapt exercises for those with injuries etc.

- clients are asked to train to failure and beyond technical failure, this leads to many injuries that become chronic

- some of the exercises are not good to do at all and certainly not repetitively

- the majority of people shouldn't do crossfit because of previous injuries or are at a fitness level that demands less aggressive training styles

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