Overhand Wrist Curl - Barbell/Dumbbell Overhand Wrist Curl Movement Illustration

★ Posted on 02-19,2025

Overhand wrist curl - barbell/dumbbell overhand wrist curl movement diagram

Reverse Wrist CurlYou can use either a barbell or a dumbbell. The overhand grip refers to the palm-down grip.

Mainly exercise the muscles of the extensor muscles on the back and side of the forearm.

Target exercise areas:Extensor muscles on the dorsal side of the forearm

Action essentials:

1. Hold a barbell or dumbbell with both hands (palms down), shoulder-width apart, kneel on the floor, facing the side of the bench, or in a sitting position; place it on the bench with your hands Hang down on the other side of the bench; without moving your forearms, bend your wrists and lower the barbell or dumbbell toward the floor; stop the barbell or dumbbell where you can still hold the weight without moving your forearm.

2. Pause for a moment, then slowly bend the barbell toward your forearm, as high as you can; pause again, then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position.


1. Keep the body in the same position throughout the movement. Except for your wrists, all other parts of your body should remain motionless.

2. Pay attention to the difference in grips: an overhand grip (palms down) mainly exercises the muscles on the outside of the forearm; an underhand grip (palms up) mainly exercises the muscles on the inside of the forearm

3. Other similar actions:

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