Long Term Goals vs Short Term Results

★ Posted on 01-03,2025

In this article you will learn how to approach long term fitness and health goals vs short term results.

Let me start off by saying it is important to focus on small short term goals when starting out on any fitness and health program but this short term goals should be derived from the bigger long term goals. We run into problems when the short term goals, or results, are the primary and only focus. The goal of living a healthy lifestyle is a long journey and often people fall into a yo-yo pattern of in and out of healthy habits. The goal is to adopt a mindset of making the healthy choices a part of your lifestyle, instead of a fad or trend.

Here are some tips to follow that will help you increase the likelihood of achieving your long term goals:

???? Write them out and read them on. a consistent basis.

???? Make your goals realistic.

???? Make short term goals but don’t sacrifice the big picture to achieve short term success.

???? Ask yourself often if your goals are on track for your long term goals and lifestyle needs.

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