Methods and products that can stimulate growth hormone secretion. They include exercise, sleep, increased nutrition, hormones and certain medications.
Exercise, especially intensive aerobic exercise such as weightlifting, is one of the ways to stimulate growth hormone secretion. Research reports have shown that this type of weight training increases circulating amounts of growth hormone. This may be one of the reasons why people feel increased physical strength after exercise. To maintain optimal hormone levels (with or without growth hormone treatment), it's a good idea to lift weights 2 to 3 times a week.
Adequate sleep is also important because growth hormone is most released at night. Do you still remember that your parents often told you when you were a child that "you will grow taller if you sleep enough"? Part of what they said is true. Studies have pointed out that the peak period of large amounts of hormone secretion is only within the first 2 hours after falling asleep, especially after 1 am. So if you want to rely on sleep to promote the secretion of growth hormone, you must go to bed before 11 o'clock in the evening and put yourself in a deep sleep state.
Growth hormone-releasing drugs: L-dopa, also known as levodopa, is the most familiar prescription drug used to promote the release of growth hormone. In the United States, it is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat the neurological disease Parkinson's disease. L-dopa is an important amino acid precursor for a variety of neurotransmitter mediators, and these neurotransmitter mediators can affect the function of the pituitary gland, so it is a release drug that can effectively promote the secretion of growth hormone. In 1982, an experiment using levodopa to treat aging mice found that the treatment increased the average amount of growth hormone in the blood and promoted its secretion. Aging mice treated with levodopa had growth hormone levels that were the same as those of young mice.
In addition, Dr. J.W. Pritchett used levodopa in 1990 to treat very severe fracture patients with long-term physical decline. Levodopa was hypothesized in this experiment to stimulate the release of growth hormone, but in theory, bone repair and growth can only occur if a large amount of growth hormone is released.As a result, after 6 months of treatment, 84% of the patients regained full mobility and could begin to use their original injured limbs without feeling pain. The results of this rehabilitation show that growth hormone secreted through the stimulation of levodopa can be used to treat severely damaged bone marrow.
Researchers and many patients who use levodopa to fight aging believe that its therapeutic effect is impressive. In this regard, levodopa is a very effective prescription drug, but be aware that it can also cause side effects if used in excess.
γ-Hydroxybutyric acid: It is another growth hormone releasing agent that can only be taken under the guidance of a doctor. GHB is the precursor of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which can act as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and a stimulator of the pituitary gland. By stimulating the secretion of growth hormone, GHB can soothe, relax and induce sleep. Fitness centers and other users insist that thanks to the miraculous effects of GHB, the secretion of growth hormone in their bodies reaches the levels they desire. They also claim that GHB can enhance sexual performance. GHB was originally a drug openly sold in health food stores in the 1980s, but by the 1990s it had become a popular recreational drug. Therefore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned its public sale in the United States in 1990. Although possession of this drug is not considered a crime, many states in the United States have outlawed its possession. It is only safe to take moderate amounts of GNB under the supervision of a doctor, as large amounts of GHB can cause very serious side effects if taken with spiciness.
Dieting and weight loss supplements: Some foods, if controlled and consumed in a proper and healthy way, can also promote the pituitary gland to secrete more growth hormone. The key to promoting the release of growth hormone through dieting is to maintain a sufficient and balanced amount of amino acids and carbohydrates. Some vitamins B, B3 and B6 have been confirmed to be growth hormone releasers.
Amino acids are perhaps the most effective and popular growth hormone releasing agents. Amino acids are the building blocks of molecules and proteins the body uses to build some muscles, bones, tissues and several hormones. Most amino acids can be synthesized in the body, while others need to be obtained from food. Researchers have listed several specific amino acids that can be used to stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete growth hormone. By taking amino acid supplements, although it is not yet possible to increase the level of growth hormone in your body to the level we hope to be around 20 years old, it can still increase your growth hormone level some.
Arginine is currently the most widely used and accepted amino acid growth hormone releasing agent. A study reports that oral arginine supplements can significantly stimulate growth hormoneThe release of hormones has the same effect as levodopa. Arginine can be taken alone or with other substances to stimulate the secretion of growth hormone. The only downside to taking arginine is that its smell is not pleasant, but a person would have to take more than 8 milligrams per day to see any benefits.
Lysine combined with arginine is a common lysine compound. Lysine is an important basic substance for protein synthesis. Another function of lysine is that it can be used to strengthen arginine to release more growth hormone. It also aids in the metabolism of insulin-like factor-1 and enhances immune system function by stimulating the secretion of thymus hormones. If you look at lysine itself, it can resist herpes, and at the same time, it can help patients recover as quickly as possible after surgery or injury through the synthesis of collagen.
Ornithine is another type of amino acid that is often combined with lysine to stimulate the secretion of growth hormone. In fact. Arginine is a precursor to ornithine, so ornithine functions similarly to arginine discussed earlier. The other most common ornithine supplement is OKG. This is a compound of ornithine and another amino acid, its parent, glutamine. The combination of these two substances is more effective in stimulating the release of growth hormone than ornithine alone. Likewise, by stimulating glutamine synthesis, users can benefit further through exercise, increasing endurance and reducing muscle fatigue.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. When it is converted into glutamic acid, it becomes a very effective brain tonic. Perhaps it is because glutamic acid has this effect, Therefore, it can induce the secretion of HGH.
In addition, a lesser-known amino acid, glycine, is often found in combination with arginine and ornithine. A Japanese study pointed out that glycine itself is a powerful growth hormone releasing agent. This report stated that the experimental grade of glycine that was taken orally produced 10 times more growth hormone than the control group that did not take it.
Tryptophan, like levodopa and GHB, is the parent neurotransmitter. This amino acid is converted in the brain into serotonin, which has soothing and anti-stress effects and can eliminate anxiety and depression. Therefore, tryptophan is also used to treat migraines. Tryptophan can directly promote the secretion of growth hormone by stimulating the pituitary gland, and can also treat insomnia. By helping users fall asleep, tryptophan helps restore normal sleep patterns and therefore promotes the most natural and healthy release of growth hormone at night. Although tryptophan had been used safely for a long time, in June 1989, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that about 600 patients taking this amino acid drug developed cold-like blood clots. Abnormal occurrenceelephant. Although the problem can be traced to a contaminated batch from a single manufacturer of the drug, tryptophan is no longer publicly available as a supplement in the United States.
Carnitine is generally considered an auxiliary for weight loss. This is because this amino acid can send a large chain of amino acids to the muscles to be burned into energy, thus avoiding the accumulation of amino acids. Likewise, carnitine functions similarly to growth hormone releasing agents in that it increases the number of receptors for glucocorticoids in the hippocampus of the brain and reduces negative feedback between the pituitary and adrenal glands. The age-related decline in glucocorticoid receptors is now thought to be related to the aging of the neuroendocrine system, and this may also result in reduced growth hormone levels. By stimulating an increase in the number of glucocorticoid receptors, carnitine can delay the aging of the entire neuroendocrine system.
Tyrosine is the mother of dopamine neurotransmitters. A lack of dopamine can make you depressed, cause a malfunctioning immune system, and more importantly, inhibit the production of growth hormone. Therefore, if the brain can maintain sufficient amounts of dopamine, tyrosine can stimulate the release of growth hormone.
Amino acid supplements and other growth hormone releasing products and methods are generally quite cheap and convenient. However, growth hormone releasing agents are still not the most perfect and ideal solution. Proponents of hormone supplements argue that taking amino acids is the most natural way to increase hormone levels. However, once a large amount of amino acids is taken, serious side effects often occur, and it is still not enough to stimulate hormones to the dosage we need for anti-aging. (For example, the standard for IGF-1 is 280 to 350). The most common side effects are nausea and diarrhea, and some amino acids can even cause liver damage. Generally speaking, these symptoms only appear under inappropriate supervision. Since these amino acids in the human body can stimulate the pituitary gland and have other functions, adverse physiological reactions often occur in the human body. From the perspective of growth hormone releasing agents, most of the popular formulas that are not expensive may not have sufficient medicinal efficacy.
Growth hormone-releasing drugs—most of them are currently taken orally. They must pass through the liver before they are used by the body, so patients with liver problems should avoid taking these drugs. Also, because these substances also pass through the digestive system before entering the bloodstream and reaching the pituitary gland, the correct timing of the release of growth hormone becomes difficult to control, which is a big problem because the release time of growth hormone is different from yours. Having adequate amounts of growth hormone in your system is almost equally important. As far as we know, growth hormone is peak released at night, which may be the main reason why growth hormone can have amazing effects on the human body. Depending on your body composition, age and what you eat throughout the day, growth hormone releasing medication can tell youThe pituitary gland should secrete less growth hormone or none at all. And if growth hormone is not secreted enough, you will not be able to see the growth and repair effects that the optimal concentration of growth hormone in the blood will bring. In fact, some reports indicate that only high doses of amino acids stimulate the release of growth hormone. Although these substances are easy to obtain and use, doctors still do not recommend that patients and users purchase them themselves. As mentioned before, each amino acid has an appropriate dosage standard. If the dosage is too low, it will not be able to stimulate the secretion of sufficient growth hormone. If the dosage is too high, it will cause side effects. Only a doctor can calculate the safest and most effective dose for you, and only a professional doctor has the ability to monitor and control the growth hormone concentrations in your blood and ensure that they are sufficient to help you fight aging.
If you are over 50, your body's natural growth hormone release function has failed. We can see from many cases that the reduction of growth hormone is not only due to the inability of the pituitary gland to secrete properly, but mainly due to the decline of the pituitary gland and even the inability to secrete hormones. Research on growth hormone-releasing agents shows that as you age, amino acids or pituitary gland-stimulating drugs are less effective at stimulating your pituitary gland. Because in the face of the aging of the pituitary gland, you can only promote the release of growth hormone by taking a large amount of releasing agents. Many older adults do not see results even after taking high doses of hormone secretion enhancers, precisely because these doses still fail to raise the growth hormone levels to optimal standards. This has less to do with the effects of amino acids and growth hormone and more to do with the obvious fact that the pituitary gland ages. In these cases, supplying the pituitary gland with the basic amino acid building blocks is useless. It's like filling a rusty old car with premium gasoline and hoping it will behave like a super powerful one. new sports car. It is like trying to draw water from a dry well. After exhaustion, the bucket is still empty.
Comprehensive hormone gene supplement injections are the best way to deal with this: To ensure that your body can operate with the optimal amount of growth hormone, direct control of growth hormone levels using injections is the best way. Each single growth hormone molecule is composed of 191 amino acids connected in series. In terms of molecular size, this is a hormone that is not easily absorbed directly. Unlike other hormones that are made up of smaller molecules and are available as oral pills or through the skin, the size of the growth hormone molecule limits how it enters the body. However, in the case of growth hormone, the process of digestion is too destructive and breaks down the molecules, destroying the overall structure and making it difficult for the hormone to be effective. Other hormonal supplements can be applied to the skin as a gel, which is then absorbed by the skin's blood vessels and transported throughout the body. But this method is ineffective for growth hormone! Because the molecules of growth hormone are larger, if it is made into a gel or cream and applied to the skin, the precious growth hormone will not be able to pass through the skin layer and enter the dermis because of its larger molecules. in blood vessels.
Small injections are the solution. They can not only deliver important hormones into the human body, but also maximize their effectiveness. Diabetic patients obtain the insulin they need through injection, and the patient will not feel any pain during the three processes. The process is quite simple, and with a little training, patients can learn to inject themselves, making it a very convenient treatment method.
In addition to convenience, this type of growth hormone supplementation therapy has many benefits. As mentioned before, the "supplementation" method is better than the "stimulation" method. Supplementation is the only way to ensure that users, especially middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old, can fully restore the amount of growth hormone to the level of 20 years old. method. Injection is a method that allows hormones to quickly enter the body system and take action immediately.
With this recombinant growth hormone, we have an identical replica of the growth hormone in the human body. We now only need to inject it into the desired target organs and tissues. As mentioned before, growth hormone is secreted following the body's rhythm rather than being released continuously. The greatest rhythm of the human body occurs during the rapid eye movement period at night. By injecting growth hormone at night before bed, we completely mimic the natural sleep release cycle of a young and healthy pituitary gland. If we can get closer to creating the natural physiological mechanisms of a healthy body, we can eliminate more opportunities for side effects. Likewise, hormonal supplementation when consistent with physiological patterns results in faster, more potent results.
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