Currently, Op’s fake products are widespread and even rampant. Why? Because OP is very cost-effective and has stable quality, counterfeiters can make huge profits and have no worries about sales. Now, after Taili's official statement, the tips are as follows: First: If the genuine product is washed with extremely high-temperature boiling water, it will condense into a lump, just like plastic, while the fake product will melt as soon as it is washed. Second: The genuine product will dissolve immediately in cold boiled water with a suitable temperature, while the fake product will not dissolve. Taili officials stated that in view of the current widespread flow of counterfeit goods, it has caused direct economic and health losses to uninformed consumers (because the counterfeit goods are made with the taste and color of the genuine goods, how do you know what they are made of? , in case of pesticides, etc.) Taili will launch laser anti-counterfeiting methods. Each laser code corresponds to a unique serial number of the product. After purchasing, consumers can directly call the inquiry hotline on the laser code to immediately identify the authenticity. ❋ Tags: