Karela juice, a North Indian beverage, is made from a fruit called bitter melon. It has many potential health benefits and may help to improve skin health and lower blood sugar levels.
Karela juice can often have a bitter flavor that some find difficult to drink. However, the beverage has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure.
Learn more about the benefits of karela juice, its nutritional information, and how to make it.
What is karela juice?
Karela juice is made from a fruit called bitter melon or Momordica charantia. It takes its name from translations of “bitter melon”in several Indian languages, like Gujarati and Nepali.
The fruit has distinctly rough, bumpy skin and can generally be found in two common varieties:
Both have white flesh on the inside that grows more bitter as the fruit ripens. Either variety can be used to make karela juice.
The fruit is a common ingredient in cuisines from subtropical regions like the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, and parts of China. Its juice is also a popular health tonic in many parts of the world.
Nutritional information
Karela juice is packed with several important nutrients. For instance, blending one cup (93 grams) of raw bitter melon with 1/2 cup (118 ml) of filtered water will deliver the following micronutrients:
- Folate: 17% of the daily value (DV)
- Zinc: 7% of the DV
- Potassium: 6% of the DV
- Iron: 2% of the DV
Bitter melons also make up 87% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for Vitamin C, an antioxidant that plays a role in promoting immunity, brain health, and tissue healing
Health benefits of karela juice
Karela juice has long been touted for its various uses and incorporated into many non-Western medicinal practices, such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese medicine.
Potential benefits of karela juice include:
May help reduce blood sugar levels
A 2017 study suggests that karela juice may benefit people with type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels.
While these findings are promising, further studies are still needed to determine exactly how bitter melon or its juice may help control blood sugar levels.
May promote skin health
Karela juice is also consumed around the world as a beauty aid. Many believe it can help boost your skin’s glow.
Karela juice is a rich source of antioxidants, including vitamin C and provitamin A, both of which are important for healthy skin and wound healing.
While bitter melon and its juice have a long history in Ayurvedic medicine, more research is needed to determine how they may affect skin health.
May aide in weight loss
Karela juice may also help with weight loss.
A 2022 study in mice found that bitter melon, when consumed for 40 days, could help positively alter metabolism levels, particularly in those on a high fat diet.
However, further research in humans is still needed to understand the full effects on the metabolism.
Side effects and precautions
While some people find karela juice delicious, others may find its bitter taste unpleasant.
In addition, it may not be good to drink too much of this juice, as doing so can lead to adverse effects like stomach pain, diarrhea, and an upset stomach. There is still insufficient scientific evidence to determine how much is safe to consume.
Given its impact on blood sugar, people with diabetes and those taking medication should speak with a healthcare professional before starting a karela juice regimen.
How to make karela juice
You can easily make karela juice at home. All you need is a blender or juicer, and:
- one bitter melon
- water or other juice
- lemon juice, salt, or honey (optional)
Tips for making karela juice taste better:
- To help mellow the taste, you can soak bitter melon flesh in water with fresh lemon juice for about 30 minutes before blending it.
- Select bitter melons that are bigger, and avoid those that are riper, with a slightly orange or red hue. Doing so will help you avoid the harsh flavor of the fruit.
- Try blending other ingredients into your karela juice. Green apple, cucumber, ginger, pineapple, and strawberries are popular additions.
The bottom line
Karela juice, or bitter melon juice, is a popular North Indian beverage with several potential health benefits, including improved skin health and blood sugar regulation.
Given that it’s made from bitter melon, it can be an acquired taste. When making the juice at home, try adding other fruits and vegetables to reduce its sharp flavor.
While more research is needed on karela juice’s health benefits, it can deliver many key nutrients, such as Vitamin C.
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