1. Summary:
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to nutritional supplement intake, which is why I wrote this article. We try to help the average person understand the various products available in supplements. And remember that "supplements" are by definition "adjuncts" and they are not a substitute for proper diet and exercise. But using the right supplements along with the right diet and training plan will make you progress faster.
The following are the ratings used in this article and their meanings:
0: Garbage
*: Maybe it’s useful
**: Not bad
***Not bad
****Very good
*****Very good (necessities)
2. Introduction to various supplements:
Amino Acids - Amino acids: Amino acids are the basic components of protein breakdown. Amino acids are very important in the growth and metabolism of muscle tissue, they are required, but if you are already on a high protein diet, you may not need these, otherwise it is a good choice.
Rating ***12
AndroNorandro: These are steroid boosting supplements. They are converted into steroids in the body through a series of biochemical processes. Consider using it if you need a higher intensity boost during your training period. It is best to combine it with Tribulus Terrestris Saponin to enhance and prolong the increase in testosterone secretion. You must be over 21 years old when taking this product. If you are younger than 21, your natural testosterone levels are still developing and it is best not to interfere with them. (19-Nor + Androdiol = best effect)
Rating ****
Boron: A few supplement manufacturers claim that boron can increase testosterone levels. But I can tell you clearly, it’s useless, don’t waste your money on this kind of garbage.
Rating 0
Carnitine - Carnitine: This is an amino acid that promotes fat burning. But it doesn't do its job particularly well, and the type of fat it helps burn is good fat (triglycerides). It gives a gentle energy boost.
Rating ***
Chitosan - Chitosan: This is a popular fat blocker, and some studies show it can block fat absorption by your stomach. But it also blocks the absorption of other vitamins and minerals. I would only recommend it to people who just want to lose weight and not gain muscle. You will find that many well-known brands of weight loss pills and weight loss foods are based on this ingredient.
Rating **12
Chromium: This is perhaps the most well-known of all fat burners on the market. Chromium is a great product that has been proven to help you lose fat while building muscle. The best chromium-containing product is chromium picolinate
Rating ***
Chrysin – This is an extract from plants. It blocks the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. This often happens when you take supplements that boost testosterone levels. And you don’t want that, so when taking any supplement that boosts testosterone levels, it’s best to also take a testosterone booster
Rating **
Colostrum - Colostrum: This product claims to boost your IGF-1 (islet growth factor). This ingredient is found in mother's milk. But this won't do you any good, since increased IGF-1 levels only affect the baby. And to you and me it's a waste.
Rating 0
Creatine: Creatine is a major source of energy for muscles, which need to store more creatine than we consume in our daily diet. Creatine is found in many things, but the best source is lean red meat, so supplementing with creatine is especially necessary for vegetarians. By supplementing creatine, your muscles can have more reserves. When muscles absorb creatine it also brings water with it (muscles are 70% water). This makes the muscles bigger and stronger. When you take creatine and absorb it, it converts into ATP in about 20 minutes. ATP is the substance that provides capacity during training. At this time, you may be able to lift more force than usual. The best creatine is creatine monohydrate. Many companies will tell you to 'load' on creatine, which means you take 4 times more creatine than usual in the first week of use. Whether to load is optional.
Rating *****
Dandelion – Dandelion: This is a very effective diuretic. Many bodybuilders use dandelion before competition to get that special muscular look. This substance is contained in common products such as taraxatone. I recommend not purchasing this substance separately, but purchasing products such as taraxatone.
Rating ***12
DHEA: DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is another testosterone booster. It is not particularly effective when used alone, but the effect is more obvious when combined with tribulus saponin and andro.
Rating **
Ephedrine - Ephedrine: This is a powerful thermogenic agent. It can be compared with caffeine in refreshing, and it can also burn fat. This is a very popular herb used in many thermogenic products. Taking ephedrine 15 to 20 minutes before exercise can improve strength and endurance.
Rating ****
Essential fatty acids (EFAs): Once upon a time, all fats were considered bad. That's wrong, but it doesn't mean you can go to a fast food restaurant and build muscle. Unfortunately, that doesn't work. "Good" fats include linoleic acid and linolenic acid. These are usually found in cold water fish such as flounder or soybean oil. If you are on a low-fat diet, essential fatty acids can be helpful in providing you with energy throughout the day.
Rating ***
Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo biloba: This botanical aids in concentration. This is helpful for some people who are not able to complete their sets and are mentally lazy. I've never used ginkgo, but I've heard some people say it works and others just give it headaches. If you're having trouble concentrating at the gym, give this a try
Rating **12
Ginseng - Ginseng: Ginseng is a stress-relieving botanical. About half of people experience results from taking ginseng. There are many types of ginseng such as Indian ginseng, American ginseng, Korean ginseng and Siberian ginseng, they are not very different but Siberian ginseng is the best.
Rating **
Glucosamine: This is a popular joint treatment that restores cartilage tissue. Many bodybuilders develop joint pain from weight training.
Rating **
Glu*****ine - Glutamine: Glutamine is an amino acid. This amino acid is most abundant in human muscle tissue, making it a necessary supplement for bodybuilders. Everyone knows that protein helps growth, and glutamine is the most important part of the protein component that helps muscle growth. Glutamine is one of the best supplements on the market today, if not the best.
Rating - *****
Guarana – Guarana – Guarana is the herbal form of coffee. Guarana is present in almost all energizing products and it can makeYour energy will be greatly improved during exercise, and the effect will be even better if combined with ephedra.
Rating ***
Hydroxy Citric Acid (HCA) - Citric acid: Citric acid is an appetite suppressant. It’s not very popular and doesn’t work for everyone. Even if it works for you, it might not work well
Rating *
Lipoic Acid: This is an insulin-like substance. Many creatine products contain this type of substance, such as Cell Technology products. Lipoic acid works very well when used together with creatine. Bodybuilders who take creatine along with lipoic acid will get steroid-like results. Not everyone will have such great results, but you're bound to get some good results.
Rating **** (wcreatine)
Ma Huang - Ephedra: This herb can give you a great boost of energy, but it can also be harmful to some people with high blood pressure. Otherwise it is a powerful herbal ingredient taken before a workout. Ephedra is also considered a fat burner.
Rating ***12
Medium Chain triglycerides (MCT) - Medium chain triglycerides MCT: This is a type of fat that is less easily stored than ordinary fat. Many weight gain powders contain this ingredient. My favorite champion nutrition "Weight Gain 900" contains this ingredient. Don't think it will help you gain muscle and lose fat. Triglycerides are not critical, but are better than regular fat.
Rating *12
Melatonin - Melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone in our body that tells you when it is time to sleep. This is a natural sleep aid. It may not be that strong, but it doesn't cause dependence like other drugs. Bodybuilders use melatonin because the only time you grow is when you sleep.
Rating **
Phosphates - Phosphates: Phosphates are used to increase endurance. It is also used in creatine, such as EAS creatine phosphate
Rating *12
Pyruvate: This is a new supplement that claims to help "fat loss without exercise." Some studies have shown that pyruvate actually works, hence the hype. Phosphate is thought to act like creatine by altering ATP levels (muscle cell) energy. Give it a try, but I recommend you take it in conjunction with exercise.
Rating ***12
Sterols (Plant Sterols): Despite the word "sterol" in the name, they are not related to similar steroids. Merchants are trying to mislead sales because of the similarity in names. Phytosterols do nothing.
Rating 0
Taurine - Taurine: As I said before, glutamine is the first amino acid in human muscle tissue. Taurine is second. My opinion is that just glutamine is enough, but if you want to take it a step further, take both.
Rating ***12
Tribulus Terrestris - Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus Terrestris has become a popular folk medicine for the treatment of impotence in Eastern countries and Bulgaria. According to a clinical study in Bulgaria, it can increase testosterone by up to 38%. Since testosterone promotes protein synthesis, the result is muscle growth and increased strength.
Rating *****
Vanadyl Sulfate: Vanadyl Sulfate is a great supplement that can make your muscles look and feel stronger. It is another insulin-like supplement. But vanadium sulfate has been found to be slightly toxic when used in large doses. If you have soft muscles, you can give it a try, but follow the instructions.
Rating ***
Whey Protein - Whey Protein: Whey Protein: Whey is by far the best protein. Your diet should maintain a high protein level. To calculate your recommended daily protein intake, multiply your body weight by at least 1.5 (e.g. 200LBS × 1.5 = 300 grams)
Rating *****
White Willow Bark - White Willow: This is the plant form of aspirin. Aspirin, along with ephedrine, can help with weight loss.
Rating **
Yohimbe - Yohimbe: This Chinese herbal medicine is widely used to promote male sexual performance. But it can also help with fat loss (small dose)
Rating ***
3. The best supplements
Personal experience and dosage
Creatine monohydrate
Basic use: increase muscle, strength and weight
I haven't found anyone who hasn't experienced "drug-like" muscle growth after using this product. I personally gained 15 pounds in 7 weeks and experienced a huge increase in muscle size and strength. mineThe upper body "swells", the biceps become larger, and the chest muscles become rounder and harder. If you could only choose one supplement, this would be it!
Usage: Under 200 pounds: 20 grams for the first 5 days, then 10 grams per day; Over 200 pounds: 30 grams for the first 5 days, then 10 grams per day. No need to loop. Although sometimes you may feel like RELOAD. Some people will say you don't need LOAD: but the first two weeks are when you get the best results from creatine: so just take it as I say and you will get the maximum results.
Whey protein
Basic use: protein = muscle
To increase muscle mass and strength, you need to consume more protein, and to reduce fat gain, you need to avoid excessive carbohydrate intake. When choosing a protein powder, look for one that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Whey protein is the most biologically active protein: therefore it is the protein we should use. Whey protein is a must, it is a bulk requirement for bodybuilding. No need to talk more nonsense, just use it often
Dosage: 20 grams per serving, 2:3 times a day
Dosage: 2-3 20g serves per day.
Vanadium sulfate
Basic use: increase muscle mass
I have been using Vanadium Sulfate for 1.5 years now and I love it. It helps me recover faster.
Dosage: three times a day, 15mg each time (take before meals)
ECA combination (plant source)
Basic uses: fat loss, excitement (to cheer you up before training)
What I want to say is, use it, use it. It gives you energy, boosts fat burning, and even puts you in a better and happier mood.
125MG: Ephedra (ephedrine), 455MG: Guarana (caffeine), 83MG: White Willow Bark (aspirin) and 100MG Chromium.
These ingredients interact to form a thermogenic combination that promotes the body to burn more fat. This combination is also a stimulant so use it with caution, I mainly use it to boost energy before training.
Dosage: This is a powerful supplement and you should start slowly, starting with 1:2 tablets per day and see how you react. Do not use before going to bed as you may not be able to sleep.
Male testicle combination
Basic use: Increase testosterone, thus stimulating muscle growth
The basic ingredients are 19-Norandrostenedione, 5-Andro, 4-Andro and Tribulus terrestris saponins. Other ingredients include AmericaPu Kui, dioxyflavone and AMU, etc. These other ingredients are designed to block estrogen production. Chemically speaking, androstenedione is a steroid. Therefore, these ingredients combine to promote androgens and suppress estrogen.
So, what’s the result?
Let me put it this way: My training partners and I both use a testicle combination. Within three days I felt more aggressive in the gym: my weights went up. I actually lost some weight, but that turned out to be fat: a good thing. But on the last day of the first week, something happened. Usually, my training partners are my best friends. This day, however, he made some comments about my quads and I laughed at his "weak calves." We ended up hitting the floor. It's true! This is the first time it's happened. So I would say that the androtestinal combo does work: it boosts testosterone levels.
Dosage: 3:6 tablets per day. I take 3 tablets twice a day for 6 weeks and then stop for another 2 weeks
4. Develop the correct training, diet and supplement strategy based on your body type
Answer the following questions:
1) My skeleton structure is:
a. Very large; b. Medium; c. Small
2) My body tends to:
a. Accumulate too much fat b. Muscle c. Thin
3) My body looks like:
The man answered:
a. Chubby b. Angular c. Long and slender
The lady replied:
a. Pear-shaped b. Hourglass-shaped c. The upper and lower girths are almost the same
4) When I was a child, I was
a. Plump b. Normal c. Too thin
5) My activity level is:
a. Habitual to sit for long periods of time b. Quite active c. Too active and unable to sit still
6) My way of life is:
a. So quiet b. Dynamic c. Disturbing
7) My metabolism is:
a. Slow b. Just right c. Too fast
8) People tell me:
a. I should lose weight b. Keep the status quo and look good c. I should gain weight
9) If you use the middle finger and thumb of your other hand to wrap around your wrist:
a. The middle finger and thumb do not touch b. The middle finger and thumb just touch c. The middle finger and thumb overlap
10) Considering my weight, I:
a. It is easy to gain weight, but it is difficult to lose it. b. It is relatively easy to gain or lose weight, and usually maintain a constant weight. c. It is difficult to gain weight.
11)I feel hungry
a. Often b. Meal time c. Rarely
12) People think I am a:
a. Emotional people? (People with high emotional intelligence?) b. Strong people c. Smart people
Your answer is worth 1 point for each a, 2 points for each b, and 3 points for each c. The total is divided by 12
Look at your final score. If you get a decimal, you're somewhere between these two body types. The suggestion is also middle-of-the-road
If you tend to have a content body type, your biggest concern should be losing fat and adopting a proper lifestyle to stay away from that fat.
Proper strength training to maintain a better muscle-to-fat ratio and thereby improve metabolism. Use moderate weights and short training intervals.
Reduce your calorie intake (but don’t starve yourself) and eat smaller meals more often. Eliminate sugar, desserts and junk food.
Do some brisk walking, cycling, etc. every day, and gradually increase the time for the above exercises every week.
Recommended supplements: low-carbohydrate/sugar protein powder and fat burning agent with Chinese herbal ingredients. You can also use some strengthening supplements such as androtestinal combination
You tend to have an athletic physique and have a naturally good figure, but to maintain and improve it requires reasonable exercise and diet tailored to your type.
Strength training can be done more and for longer than ectomorphs. But be careful not to overdo it. You should use moderate to high weights and don't rest too long between sets. You'll find it's easy to gain muscle (some women and even men don't like being too big, but don't worry it doesn't happen all at once. If you're happy with your current size, do some training to maintain it) p>
Adhere to a good and healthy diet to keep your body muscular and in shape, and pay close attention to the gradual accumulation of fat.
Participate in aerobic exercise, but don’t overdo it.
Recommended supplements: creatine, androtestinal combination
You tend to have an ectomorph body type. You should focus on gaining muscle mass (some women who are very thin may want to add some fat to make themselves look more feminine)
Strength training should be done some but not too frequently, and the duration should not be too long
In the 1940s, Dr. William H. Sheldon introduced the body type theory. His theory described three basic human body types:
Content-type physique, with predominance of body fat; sports-type physique, with well-developed muscles; ectomorphic physique, with less fat and muscle tissue. But he did not explain that most people's constitutions are a mixture of the above three. Sheldon's description of the three types of human body has become an integral part of most literature on weight loss and bodybuilding.
You will make better progress when you know which type you are and the right diet, exercise and supplement strategies for that type.
Your goal should be to look as much like or maintain an athletic physique as possible. With the right exercise and diet, this is achievable.
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