Some knowledge about bodybuilding and drug testing

★ Posted on 02-19,2025

Will I test positive when using hormone tablets?

Yes or no. If you're worried about this, some tests often don't include steroids. They're usually for people who abuse drugs. If you're testing athletes or some other situation you have to be careful. If you use Andro, 4-diol, 5-diol, DHEA or 7-keto DHEA are less likely to test positive. These raise the target hormone to a high normal level and generally are not as long as you are not caught using it directly. will test positive. Nor-hormone source is somewhat sensitive because it increases the nAndrolone in the body by 20 times. For the nAndrolone test in urine excretion, if you use the time too close to the detection time, it will be positive. How long you need to stop is dose-related. Deca will still be positive 18 months after stopping. Even if you take it orally or inject a moderate amount, you will still be positive. Some other factors will also increase the amount of nAndrolone metabolites. In the past two years, many professional athletes have tested positive for nAndrolone. I have no doubt that many people use nAndrolone, but they must know that using nAndrolone or nAndrolone precursors will be easily detected, so why do they still use it? It may be some food, Some combination of supplements or some training as a reason. One guy even claimed it was his toothpaste. Whatever the truth is, if you test positive for drugs, you can use the above reasons to explain yourself as many people do and ask for the verdict to be reversed.< /p>

In conclusion, if you are smart enough to stop using at least a week before the chance of a positive drug test is very small. A fair warning, all athletes participating in the IFBB, IOC, NCAA, USOC and IPC are prohibited from using these if If you are caught, you cannot evade responsibility by using the excuse of ignorance, and you will be banned from activities in this alliance.

"Certain doses of injection or oral administration will cause a positive drug test."

New indications are that there is some kind of cross-contamination, according to statements from some athletes who have tested positive for drugs. Often companies will mass-produce one product and then mass-produce another. Because the same container is often used, perhaps some of the supplements Can be contaminated with 19-Nor or Nor-diol. Claims these often involve protein powder and creatine, two supplements widely used by all athletes, and these issues are being investigated. Some people believe this is the cause. Some people consume products that do not contain Nor. The hormone-derived supplement Androstenedione was tested positive for nAndrolone metabolites. Andro is alsoCreatine is far worse, but let's not rule out the possibility.

DHT is documented to be undetectable, one of the reasons being that pre-contest drugs like Masteron, Trenbolone and winstrol are so popular. This means you will never get caught if you take one that is guaranteed not to contain 1AD or 5AA. Okay, let's look at the data from 95,97. There is a test that is being developed that will be used if there is serious abuse in some places. It will not only test for exogenously administered dihydrotestosterone, but also the metabolite of 5AA. This method can detect 5AA. In any case, such complex tests cannot be easily performed everywhere, so only top athletes need to pay attention to these.

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