Have you done it? Create a high-quality growth environment for muscles

★ Posted on 02-18,2025

Muscle growth requires an environment!

Want to gain muscle growth. The key is to create an anabolic environment in your body. Without the support of this anabolic environment, no matter how hard you work, it will be useless!

Anabolism VS Catabolism

Metabolism (short for all chemical reactions in the human body) can be divided into 2 opposite processes: anabolism and catabolism.

You may have heard the term anabolism before, such as "anabolic hormones" (steroids here refer to free steroids in the human body, not synthetic drugs, the same below).

The process represented by anabolism is the combination of small molecules with each other to eventually form large molecules. The best example is: various amino acids synthesize polypeptide chains, the polypeptide chains form protein chains, and the protein chains eventually form muscle tissue. "Anabolic steroids" are steroid molecules that promote anabolism in the human body.

There is also a "catabolic hormone" that breaks down large molecules into small molecules. The best example is cortisol. When the body is under excessive stress, it releases a large amount of the stress hormone cortisol. On the one hand, cortisol allows you to survive stress; on the other hand, cortisol breaks down your muscle tissue to function.. This is definitely not what bodybuilders want to see.

Prevention is the key

There is a famous saying in the medical community: Prevention is easier than cure. The same is true in the fitness and bodybuilding world. The most critical thing is to prevent the occurrence of catabolic reactions.

Our bodies are in either an anabolic state, a catabolic state, or something in between. Anabolism is what we want most. And catabolism is discomfort. In fact, we can easily slip into a catabolic state. Continuous high-intensity training can easily put too much stress on the body, which causes the body to release cortisol. When the body is in a stressful situation such as illness, injury, or high-intensity training, cortisol is released in large amounts. Cortisol increases the mobility of amino acids and promotes protein breakdown.

How should we respond? How to Create an Anabolic Environment!

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